Martes, Pebrero 26, 2013

creating a killer skull

How to Sketch an Anime Boy

how to sketch an anime boy
how to sketch an anime boy step 1


 We are taking a shortcut in the guidelines. Draw the circle with the intersecting lines for the eyes and nose. Get in the long lines for his neck and torso Now sketch in the shoulder, arms, sleeve, torso, and hip shapes. Don't forget to add those thin lines representing his scarf, tie, and coat. Sketch with a No. 2 pencil. Remember to do it lightly for easy erasure.
how to sketch an anime boy step 2


 You will need to click on the picture to see where to draw the tiny lines and spikes for his hair. Look closely and see where his eyebrows, eyes, and jawlines appear. Don't forget his mouth.
how to sketch an anime boy step 3


 Make sure you click on the pic for a larger version. You can always zoom out if it's too big. Now sketch in the rest of his hair. Draw lightly please.
how to sketch an anime boy step 4


 Now sketch in his collar, arm, and part of the scarf. See how they relate to the guidelines.
how to sketch an anime boy step 5


 Take your time while drawing this picture because in this step you need to pay close attention to the lines of his collar, tie, and button accessory. Remember to see how these lines relate to the guidelines.
how to sketch an anime boy step 6


 I think this guy sports a mighty nice look. Sketch in his taped hand and flowing scarf.
how to sketch an anime boy step 7


 Draw in his coat sleeve and side of coat.
how to sketch an anime boy step 8


 Sketch in the second button and accessory (swag, flap, whatever it is).
how to sketch an anime boy step 9


 At this point, draw in the lower part of his coat, shirt, and belt with the belt loops band and sleeve. Don't forget to draw the coat folds on the right side of the paper.
how to sketch an anime boy step 10

STEP 10.

 Last but not least complete drawing his pants. Now you can erase the guidelines if you haven't already.
how to sketch an anime boy step 11

STEP 11.

 Your drawing may look like this or you might have your own version. At this point, you can color in your picture with a medium of your choice.
how to sketch an anime boy step 12

STEP 12.

 Here is the basic color combination of the Anime boy, Hibari Kyoya from "Reborn." Following this step are tips on sketching/drawing an anime boy.

1 komento:

  1. Ciao molto bello il disegno, l'ho usato come immagine illustrativa per un racconto su questa rivista letteraria naturalmente linkando questo blog come riferimento. Spero non ti dispiaccia - se è così lo rimuoviamo. Ciao.
